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Hope for Women

We walk our talk seriously through our products and our program for women, one customer at a time. By buying our products, each of our satisfied customers helps women across the planet access much-needed hygiene and health products and services.


Our social impact program, “Hope for Women,” aims to help, protect, and empower women who face challenges when it comes to their menstrual cycle needs. “Period poverty” in many low-income countries means that many women lack access to hygiene products and sanitation facilities because of financial constraints.

In addition, many of them are ostracized and shunned during their period because of the cultural shame associated with the menstrual cycle. The stigma is made even worse by the lack of education around women’s needs and limited resources as basic as clean water, toilet paper, and sanitary pads. We want to step up and add our voice to the call of helping women preserve their wellness, dignity, and rights regardless of their age, race, or economic status.

We believe that women, to be able to reach their potential, must first be safe from health risks.  Our company has pledged to contribute 25% of our profits towards this important cause.

We hope you join us in our advocacy.


Coming Clean

Be Sprucy is happy to share our mission of helping women and consumers in general with the world. Through the integrity of our products and processes, we are committed to driving our company forward by being one with you and the planet we live in.

We will continue to develop and improve our products to satisfy your needs so you can travel where you like, undeterred by limits and risks.

Rooted in our foundation of bringing comfort and safety to women wherever they go, we are happy and privileged to deliver convenience with every Be Sprucy product we make.

Together, let’s spruce up your life’s daily adventures. 

Maikg a Difference

From our packaging and manufacturing process to distribution, we promote sustainability and planet-friendly principles because we believe that solving present challenges does mean having to compromise the well-being of future generations.

Our factory does not seep or expel harmful chemicals into the environment and our packaging uses sustainable materials. We do not test on animals and our ingredients do not hurt the earth in any way.

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Coming Clean

Try our products and share your experience! Let’s get the word out there so more women can enjoy the benefits of the Be Sprucy hygiene heroes.

Visit our website and social media pages and send in your reviews, questions, and feedback. We’re excited to share our story and journey with you and we’d love to hear from you!

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